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Make a Donation

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose. 

Romans 8:28. 

Illinois Presbyterian Home Communities is a not-for-profit and is supported by gifts from individuals and churches, and memorials and bequests. We invite you to help us in meeting the future needs of our facility with its ever-increasing operating costs, major repairs, and necessary expansion through a gift or bequest. 


As a not-for-profit mission of the Great Rivers and Southeastern Illinois Presbyteries, our rents are subsidized by our endowments, which helps us keep our rents more affordable than other facilities in the area. 

As a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization, donations to Illinois Presbyterian Home are tax deductible. 

Join us in our mission to honor God by providing the highest quality of care that promotes independence and to provide supportive services ensuring we serve the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of seniors. 


You have many ways to donate: 

  • Checks: Mail your contribution check payable to Illinois Presbyterian Home, 2005 West Lawrence, Springfield, Illinois 62704

  • Matching Gifts: To find out if your company or your spouse's company offers a matching gift, contact your company's Human Resource department to complete the required forms. 

  • Appreciated Securities: Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are easily transferred to Illinois Presbyterian Home. Contact Maryann Walker, Executive Director at 217-546-5622 for details. 

  • Planned Philanthropy: Planned gifts include bequest, wills, and gifts of life insurance and retirement plans. 

  • Online Giving: 




If you wish to remember us in your will, please use the following wording in your legal documents:

I give and bequeath to the Fair Hills Residence, of the Illinois Presbyterian Home, 2005 West Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62704, incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, as provided by the "General Not For Profit Corporation Act," the sum of $__________.


  • Memorial and Honorarium Gifts: Your gifts may be in memory or in honor of a family member, friend, or recognition of a special event.

  • In-kind donations: Contact the Executive Director to receive a listing of needed goods and services 


We are so grateful for our community's support. It has been a long-standing part of our success, our stability, and the quality of the care and living choices we have available for seniors. 


Please notify us of your planned gifts in support of the Illinois Presbyterian Home by Maryann Walker, Executive Director or reaching out to one of our Board members.

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